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Glennwood Housing in Laguna Beach is hosting an Open House

Glennwood Housing is hosting an Open House on Saturday, January 29 from 11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.  Learn more about the Glennwood Housing Community in Laguna Beach for adults with developmental disabilities by attending this Open House.  There will be a BBQ and raffle, and donations for the remodeling efforts will be accepted.

They will also be filming for their Extreme Makeover Home Edition application–if you would like to be interviewed on camera for the application please let them know when you arrive.  They are looking for adults with disabilities to be interviewed, as well as their parents/caregivers.

For more information, please contact randy@glennwoodhousing.org.

Glennwood Housing Community, 2130 South Coast Highway, Laguna Beach, CA 92651


The News About Jo Jo: Raising a Baby with Down Syndrome

This is a nice story that many parents who have chidren with Down syndrome and other disabilities will be able to relate to. 

One mom shares the experience of when she and her husband received their daughter’s diagnosis of Down syndrome, and how their life is today with JoJo.

Read the story

DSAOC receives grants to support health care programs for individuals with Down syndrome

The Down Syndrome Association of Orange County (DSAOC) is thrilled to announce the following grant awards to support DSAOC’s Health Care Education & Outreach program, which includes the CHOC Children’s Down Syndrome Program.

The Employees Community Fund of Boeing California has contributed $2,000 toward the health care program.  A special thanks to one of our previous board members, Fran Brocard, for nominating DSAOC for this award.

The Pacific Life Foundation is contributing $7,500 to support the CHOC Children’s Down Syndrome Program. 

We are extremely thankful to Boeing and Pacific Life for having these funding opportunities available, and for believing in our mission.

Contact Senate Finance Committee Members URGING ACTION this Session on THE ABLE ACT

The Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act of 2009 (S 493/HR 1205) would give individuals with disabilities and their families the ability to save for their child’s future just like every other American family, and help people with disabilities live full, productive lives in their communities. 


If your Senator is a member of the Senate Finance Committee, please contact your Senator immediately.

View action alert

DSAOC has received a grant from the Disney VoluntEARS Community Fund

nancy-sarah-and-disney-check-2010DSAOC has received a grant from the Disney VoluntEARS Community Fund!  This initiative provides grants to not-for-profit organizations that demonstrate new and innovative approaches to addressing challenges in our community. To date, more than $5 million has been granted to local not-for-profit organizations on behalf of the Disneyland® Resort Cast.


The $5000 received will be used to fund the Hospital Outreach program.  DSAOC’s Hospital Outreach program ensures our local labor & delivery hospitals and clinics have up-to-date information on Down syndrome, as well as information about DSAOC so they know to contact us when a baby with Down syndrome is born in their hospital.  Hospital Outreach volunteers visit with our local hospitals, providing them with information on Down syndrome, DSAOC and information for doctors on how to better deliver the diagnosis to expectant parents. 


DSAOC was nominated by cast member Nancy Tovaas, who got to know our own Sarah Jensen through the Yorba Linda Cloverleaf 4H group.  Sarah and Nancy are shown together with the check.  Very special thanks to Nancy and all at Disney!

Recognizing Parents of Special Needs Children Today and Every Day

Our friends at DSALA shared with us an announcement from Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers from Washington State.  She is an amazing advocate on Capitol Hill for Down syndrome and recently co-sponsored resolution, H.Res. 1576, which passed the House last week.  This resolution would establish a National Day of Recognition for Parents of Special Needs Children.  She joined with 41 of her colleagues in a bipartisan way to highlight the importance of recognizing parents of special needs children. 


Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers has a young son with Down syndrome.  She is a leader in the Congressional Down Syndrome Caucus.  You can follow her work by visiting her website and signing up for her e-mail alerts.



Open House at the Glennwood Housing property in Laguna

Back in August we shared news with you about the Glennwood Housing Foundation’s efforts to bring a housing community to Laguna for 45-50 young adults with developmental disabilities.


This housing community has come to fruition and they are having an Open House this Saturday, December 4 from noon to 3:30 p.m.


If you have an interest in having your son or daughter live at this housing facility, you should definitely go to this event.


Location:  2130 South Coast Highway in Laguna Beach  


If you have questions, or would like to RSVP, please contact randy@larsonfinancialadvisors.com

Local special education teacher comes full circle with student

Great story in the Orange County Register about a local teacher who saw potential in a toddler with Down syndrome, and has had the opportunity to watch him grow into a young man who has accomplished much more than others believed he could. 


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Important Survey Notice from NDSS

The NDSS National Policy Center urges members of the Down syndrome community to participate in a brief online survey that will help the policy center better fight for our rights and needs on Capitol Hill.  ndss-logo-for-blog1


The NDSS National Policy Center works to improve public policies that affect people with Down syndrome and their families. The purpose of this survey is to help the policy center reevaluate its legislative agenda.


Everyone who completes the survey is eligible to win a $25 Barnes and Noble Gift Card!


This survey should take about 25 minutes or less to complete. Thank you in advance for your time, your voice and your participation.

Take Survey

James Jensen dies; he taught community the value of a disabled person



Although this isn’t a local story, it will touch home for a lot of us, as well as our hearts. 

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Glee star, Lauren Potter, shares special dance with Sean McElwee

To many of us, Lauren Potter is the star on the hit FOX TV show, Glee, but to Sean, Lauren is his special friend. 

Read the Orange County Register’s story about Sean and Lauren’s recent evening together at the Homecoming dance.

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Orange County Buddy Walk is in the news!

Great coverage and photos from our friend Erika Chavez from the bw-new-logo-2010-rszd-for-ccOrange County Register about the Buddy Walk and the common bond our families share.  Hope all who joined us this year had a wonderful time. 

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KABC Cool Kid – right here in Orange County

Gianna Galindo volunteers with the Down Syndrome Association of Orange County and was recently recognized as a KABC Cool Kid.  Way to go, Gianna!

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Update on Angel Mesa’s Homecoming Nomination


Great video to update you on Angel Mesa’s Homecoming Queen Nomination. 

Way to go Angel!


View video




DSAOC Self-Advocates, Angel Mesa & Nate Erskine are “In The Spotlight”

Angel Mesa

angel-mesa-rszdMy name is Angel Mesa. I am 17 years old and a senior at Tustin High School. I work in the office at school with Mrs. Hogue “Boss Lady”. Mrs. Hogue has taught me so much while working side by side with her. I like going to football games, cooking and playing with my dogs at home. When I turn 18 years old, I want to volunteer at an animal shelter. I play soccer and basketball with the Tustin Tigers.  Coach Jim is my coach and he is the best! I can’t wait for the new season to start.

Recently, I have been selected as a “Princess” for the Tustin High School Homecoming Court. I love being part of this very special event and if I win, it will be a dream come true!


Nate Erskinenate-td

Hi, my name is Nathan “Nate Dog” Erskine.  I am 18 years old and I’m a Senior at Rancho Alamitos High School in Garden Grove.  I have been on the school’s football and baseball teams for the last two years.  I enjoy playing sports, hanging out with my brother and listening to music.

Check out the awesome 80 yard TOUCH DOWN I made for my team and school in last Friday’s game against GGHS!    Watch video

Down Syndrome Awareness Month Recognized by CHOC Children’s


Here is a nice post on Choco’s Blog about Down Syndrome Awareness Month and the CHOC Children’s Down Syndrome Program.

Read post 

2010 Times Square Video from NDSS

Every year, NDSS reminds the world in a big way about the gifts that people bw-new-logo-2010-rszd-for-cc2with Down syndrome bring to their communities through a special video presentation on a jumbo screen in the heart of Times Square.

View the 2010 Times Square Video

DSAOC is named the Official Presenting Sponsor of “Monica & David” at AIFF


The inaugural Anaheim International Film Festival runs Oct. 13-17, 2010 at UltraStar Cinemas at the Anaheim GardenWalk.

The AIFF Opening Night Gala on Wednesday, October 13 will feature the documentary, Monica and David.  Tickets are on sale now.   

DSAOC is proud to be the Official Presenting Sponsor of MONICA AND DAVID, which took home the Jury Prize for Best Documentary Feature at the 2010 Tribeca Film Festival.  monica-and-david-poster-image-rszd-for-blog1

Visit https://www.monicaanddavid.com/ to learn more about this film.  To purchase tickets for individual screenings, one-day film passes, all access passes and/or workshop passes, please visit www.ultrastarmovies.com. To purchase AIFF Awards Night tickets or tables, please visit www.anaheimfilm.org.  For more information, please call (714) 991-9110.

Football player with Down syndrome scores TD in Washington game



Wonderful story and video about Ike Ditzenberger, a 17-year-old football player who has Down syndrome.

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Young man with Down syndrome has super powers

ds-super-powers1Here is a great story from the Orange County Register about a young man with Down syndrome who has super powers.  Where does he get these super powers from? 

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